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History of Yoga

What is yoga?

-Yoga can be defined as being a mental, physical and spiritual practice that allows individuals to connect within themselves and the universe. This practice can be traced back to 5,000+ years ago in India according to the ancient texts knows as the Vedas.


There are four main periods that divide the history of yoga:


Pre-classical Yoga- This is the beginning stage where we discovered The Vedas, as well as other sacred texts such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata mentioned some form of yoga. People were encouraged to stand up for what they believed in and to fight away the negatives being thrown at you.


Classical Yoga – Taught by Patanjali, a great sage who created a “eight limbed path” that allowed you to reach enlightenment. This drew the attention of many masters and for this he is known as the “father of yoga”. 


Post-Classical Yoga- Yoga Masters threw out the Vedas teachings and created their own system by focusing on the human body as a whole to prolong life. This eventually lead to a major yoga practice known as Hatha Yoga.


Modern Yoga- Swami Vivekananda is known to have started yoga in the U.S in the late 1800’s. Many gurus started teaching yoga and caused it to boom worldwide. Modern yoga is focused more on posture than focusing on meditation.



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